2 min readDILAPAN-SGet Certified and CPD points with Virtual DILAPAN-S TrainingThese 30-minute sessions are hosted by a DILAPAN-S specialist, offering an opportunity to obtain your DILAPAN-S certification.
2 min readDILAPAN-SFinding Success with Mechanical Methods: Top TipsAdvice from experienced healthcare professionals on finding success with mechanical IOL methods
3 min readDILAPAN-SEssential Skills – Speculum or Digital Examination: Which is the best Dilapan-S Insertion Technique?As clinicians, it is necessary to adapt our skills to deliver new techniques and enable advances in practice. Clinicians should be...
3 min readDILAPAN-SImplementing Successful Outpatient IOL with Dilapan-SPregnancy and childbirth are monumental experiences for families, and it is our duty to provide them with the best possible memories. The...
2 min readDILAPAN-SEssential Skills - MobilisationWe all have experiences of those births that just seem to go seamlessly; experiences that make us remember, throughout the chaos that is...