The natural choice
for a shorter,
more comfortable,
hormone-free induction.
What is DILAPAN-S®?
How does it work?
DILAPAN-S® is a small dilator, a little bigger than a matchstick, which helps soften and open your cervix to prepare you for labour in a gentle and natural way. The dilators are inserted into your cervix and grow in size over 12 hours.
DILAPAN-S uses no drugs or artificial hormones allowing safer, predictable, and effective cervical dilation. Because DILAPAN-S does not contain any hormones, the risk of excessive contractions which can affect your baby’s safety is minimised. DILAPAN-S is also used for home inductions, so you may be able to leave the hospital while DILAPAN-S is in place.
The DILAPAN-S dilators are made of a firm gel which attracts water. They expand like a tampon in your cervix, gradually growing up to the width of your finger over 12-15 hours. The gentle pressure on your cervix also encourages your body to release natural hormones to further prepare you for labour. Usually a set of 4–5 dilators are used to ripen your cervix sufficiently and get you ready for your labour.
Absorbs Fluid
Temporary dehydration of cervix >
softening and change in consistency of tissue
Helps prepare your body for labour in 3 ways
Gently Expands
Expanding dilators exert radial pressure against the wall of your cervix >
gradual dilation of your cervix
Natural Hormone Release
Pressure stimulates the release of natural hormones > further dilation of your cervix