Firstly, we would like to wish you a very Happy New Year! Welcome to the second edition of AGHeadlines where we bring you updates every 3 months on AmniSure, PartoSure, Dilapan-S, Lumella, Neotech, and DandleLION to help you achieve the best possible outcomes by staying informed of the latest developments and resources.
What’s in this edition?
The WID-easy test
New Evidence and Data
Upcoming Events
4DryField PH Distributor Change
The WID-easy test is a groundbreaking triage tool for peri- and post-menopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) using a simple vaginal swab.
Every year in the UK, 275,000 women experience AUB. ~95,000 will have a thickened endometrium ( ≥ 4mm) but less than 10,000 will have endometrial cancer 2. This obstructs the pathway for those who need urgent treatment, with clinicians performing thousands of procedures on those who don’t need them.
The WID-easy test is characterised by extremely high values for sensitivity (90.9%), specificity (97.3%) and NPV (99.7%). Above all, the WID-easy test PPV is 6 times higher than that of sonography* (50% vs. 8.7%) 1. WID-easy has been evaluated in multiple peer-reviewed studies and consistently demonstrates excellent accuracy 1,3-6.
This means WID-easy can reduce the number of unnecessary procedures by 90% without missing any cancers making the treatment pathway shorter, less invasive, with better patient outcomes for those with and without cancer.

George Elliot Hospital Presents Poster on DILAPAN-S @ BICS
76% delivered within 24hours with DILAPAN-S vs. 57% with Propess
Cost comparison per induction - £45.50 with DILAPAN-S vs. £106.24 with Propess
“Conclusion: Dilapan-S® is a safe and cost-effective alternative to prostaglandins for inducing labour. It is associated with no incidence of tachysystole or hyperstimulation, reduced length of hospital stay and improved patient and staff satisfaction….Dilapan-S® has been incorporated into local guidelines and embedded into practice.”
Find out more about DILAPAN-S here.
The Lumella bedside test for pre-eclampsia utilises the novel biomarker - GlyFn
A recent study showed in women with suspected or confirmed preeclampsia after 20 weeks of gestation, GlyFn can be used as a biomarker for both maternal and fetal preeclampsia-related complications, particularly in patients below 37 weeks of gestation
An ongoing multi-centre UK research trial lead by St Georges on Lumella is expected to yield preliminary results in Summer 2025
Find out more about Lumella here.
AGHealth will be present at:
BSGE ACN 13th-14th February - Birmingham
UK Preterm Birth 13th-14th March - London
Webinars - click to register:
DILAPAN-S January 31st @ 12noon - Virtual Training
DandleLION February 18th @ 11:30am - Neonatal Positioning Masterclass
DILAPAN-S March 28th @ 12noon - Virtual Training
4DryField PH will be changing distributors effective February 1st 2025. We are committed to ensuring a seamless transition for you. For your convenience, details of this change can be found in the notification letter.
We are pleased to offer 10% off any purchase of 4DryField PH 3g - SKU0003-EU - until January 31st. Quote code 4DF310 on your purchase order to claim.
Click here to order or contact
1) Evans,Iona et al. 2023. EPI-SURE 2) Cancer research UK report, 2023 3) ChiaraHerzog et al. 2023 4) Schreiberhuber et al. 2023 5) Illah et al. 2024 6) Ken-Amoahet al., IJC, 2024